Friday, December 19, 2014

Fully Bullshitical Intelligentsia

First off, I will declare that I am in no way an expert in any of the areas of expertise in which I’m going to make comments about. That said, I’m not a moron either and I truly disdain being treated as such, as should any person that relies on their governments intelligence agencies that are bound by law to be truthful to their people unless there is a damn good reason to withhold such information. I fully believe that there are times when certain “lettered” agencies can’t and shouldn't reveal what is truly going on during certain operations, but I don’t believe that the hacking of an entertainment company qualifies as one of those instances.

So, before today there was much speculation as to who the actual perpetrators of the Sony attack were and their reasons behind such a brutal assault against an entertainment company. Sure, the idea of North Korea was being floated about, but generally not in the circles of people that are truly in the “know” about this kind of attack. And yet today, our own FBI took it upon themselves to announce that the attack was in fact the work of hackers from North Korea, never mind that the whole supposed reason behind this attack was the premise of a two-bit movie about a meaningless country’s dictator.

Making any sense so far?


That’s what I thought.

Some very intelligent, yet independent people have taken upon themselves to analyze the malware that was used in this attack and almost every one of them to a tee have concluded that either this was absolutely not the work of the North Koreans, or, in the least have cast considerable doubt to this claim. Yet, the FBI’s proclamation about their findings has been swallowed hook line and sinker but all of the media outlets reporting about this major breach.

So let’s all take a step back from this and see who has something to gain from their claims; the independent researchers who took their own time to investigate the actually, albeit minimal, evidence provided, or the big government agencies that have full access to all of the data, yet have to report to someone “above their pay grade”. Politics can be a bitch no matter your political leanings, but the 1’s and 0’s never lie, if you drill down deep enough. But never forget that any data can be made to appear to be something other than what it truly is. And from what I have seen so far, the independent researchers have offered up quite a bit more technical detail that any of the “three lettered” agencies have. And if these fine people can show their good scientific methods and their conclusions, it’s really not a national security matter, it’s just a matter of truth over narrative.

So, for honesty's sake, let’s lay all the cards on the table and see who has the winning hand.


And to anyone who wants to wave the banner of national security, if someone wanted to truly hit us hard, they could cripple our critical infrastructure, rendering us vulnerable to a variety of attacks, but I doubt they would test these attacks on an entertainment company or because of a movie, so calm that shit down. Not that this issue isn’t a real threat that needs to be addressed, just that the events aren’t related, in my unprofessional opinion.

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