Saturday, May 30, 2015


No need to read a bunch into this, I’m simply writing this to confirm that attribution is the new propaganda. Shouldn't really even be surprised at this statement, but it needs to be said.

We all laugh and make jokes about attribution and how much bullshit revolves around this particular subject, but the plain and simple truth of the matter is that when the media talks about the attribution associated with most data breaches and stolen PII, the general public only sees one thing, whatever BS is spouted out. It doesn't matter if it’s CNN, MSNBC or Fox, the fact of the matter is that now attribution is being used as propaganda to sway the general population to whatever means is politically expedient at the moment.

It could be China, North Korea, the Russians, Anonymous, or any number of other “actors” that happen to be convenient at the time, and while a lot of this may be true, the means and uses of these disclosures are still suspect in my opinion, after all, we still don’t even know who pulled off the Sony hack right? I’m not trying to get too deep into the weeds with this, I’m just saying that we need to look outside our echo chamber and into the real world of normal people and what they think and believe about what they see when they see the things that the news reports. People believe what they want to believe and they are being pointed to conclusions that may or may not be true.

So, to my initial point, attribution is being used as propaganda. No surprise there right? I know the people that are reading this know the deal, so I’ll just stop for now…

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